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Terms and Conditions

What activities offer?

Our company provides services in Punta de Teno, on the island of Tenerife. We offer you the following services: Boat routes, kayak routes, kayak rental and Stand Up Paddle rental, hiking and bicycles electricity. We provide some of these services directly and others as a tourist intermediary with fully trusted companies that we already consider almost an extension of the company. 


Do the activities have fixed dates?

We have a fixed schedule, but if you form a group we will do the activity for you on the day you choose.


Can I register by myself or do I need to form a group?

You can register on your own, without having to form a group. A single person, a couple, a small group or a family can register through this website in our fixed activities.

What other activities do you offer me if we are a group?

If you form a group you can ask us for the previous activities on the date and time you want.

Are the activities for all audiences? Can children or elderly people go?

We recommend that you always observe the level of difficulty that appears in the information for each activity and sign up for those for which you consider yourself qualified. There are three levels of difficulty: Low *, Medium ** or High ***. It is difficult to establish a minimum or maximum age. As a general rule, we recommend that the youngest and the oldest always choose activities with a Low difficulty level*. In any case, it is recommended that you consult us directly and bear in mind that in all activities it is necessary to have the firm and safe step, un normal state of health_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_y know how to swim for activities in the marine environment.


Do the activities have transportation?

Our services are provided in Punta de Teno, this place can only be accessed by public transport service. You must park your vehicle in Buenavista del Norte and take line 369, which is in charge of the transportation service to Punta de Teno. You can check schedules here:

What do I have to bring to the activities?

For activities at sea (boat, kayak and stand up paddle): Swimsuit, flip-flops, cap and sunscreen. We have a safe place to store your belongings.For mountain activities (hiking and electric bicycles): sports clothing and shoes or hiking boots, warm clothing, raincoat , hat, camera, water, picnic and small backpack.
No refund of the watertaxi reservation fee will be given to those who are not allowed to go down the canyon if they do not comply with the established rules.


What does the price of the activities include?

Servicio de profesionales cualificados, materiales para el desarrollo de la actividad, materiales de seguridad_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_(first-aid kits, mobile phones and stations), Civil Liability Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Compliance with Regulations Tourism, Occupational Risk Prevention and of Data Protection and our Quality Commitment. 

What security measures are taken in the activities?

Our company takes all security measures when designing and subsequently carrying out each activity.

Para ello éstas se realizan por profesionales capacitados, poseemos un Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil que cubre nuestra labor profesional, estamos_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_al corriente en materia de Riesgos Laborales, utilizamos materiales homologados y elementos de seguridad como botiquín, teléfonos móviles y emisoras .  Además nuestros clientes van siempre asegurados con un seguro de accidentes personal. 

On our website we describe each activity emphasizing el difficulty level so that the client can sign up for the ones that are most appropriate to their physical condition. At the time of registration, they are asked if they suffer from any enfermedad or if they are receiving any medical treatment. This data is especially important in the case of clients with diabetes, asthma or allergies. In these cases it is essential to bring to the activity the necessary treatment and in sufficient quantity in case the activity could be extended for any eventuality (please bring enough medication for 24 hours). -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

However, we warn that our activities are carried out in the natural environment, which is sometimes unpredictable, so we cannot be held responsible for the extraordinary events that occur in it (especially in places with more rugged orographic conditions such as the Barranco de Masca). . 

Personal accident insurance. exclusions

El seguro da cobertura exclusivamente a accidentes producidos en el desarrollo de la actividad.  By definition an accident is: Bodily injury resulting from a violent, sudden, fortuitous, external and unintentional event, which produces in the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_Insured any of the Guarantees signed and expressly included in the Particular Conditions of our policy.

The following are expressly excluded, among others: 

– Accidents due to the voluntary use of drugs, narcotics or alcoholic beverages.

 – Las self-harm, caused consciously or unconsciously.

 – Las enfermedades de cualquier naturaleza, incluso el infarto de miocardio y_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_cerebrovascular events.

 – Las sunstrokes, freezing or other effects of atmospheric temperature, unless they are the consequence of an accident.

– Las poisoning or poisoning by ingestion of food products in general.

If you wish, you can consult all the details of our policy via email.  


Is it important to be punctual?

Yes, and mainly out of respect for the rest of the attendees. However, we always have a courtesy waiting time of 10 minutes.


What happens if there is bad weather or some important eventuality?

If in the previous days we are aware of bad weather conditions, we will notify you to change the date of the activity if possible and if it is not, we will return the money.

En las rutas en Kayak de mar, si por cuestiones meteorológicas tuviesemos que suspender el mismo día de realización de la actividad, ésta se sustituye por uno de nuestros paseos en barco por el Acantilado de Los Gigantes. If the latter is not possible either, you will receive a refund.

How do I sign up for an activity?

Inscripción Online a través de nuestra web  (puedes pagar online con tu tarjeta of credit)

What happens if I cannot attend or cancel the activity?

There will be no penalty if you cancel or modify your booking at least 72 hours before the date of the activity, in which case you will be reimbursed 100% of the amount paid. If the cancellation is made less than 72 hours before the date of the activity, the amount paid will not be refunded.


No refund will be made once the activity/excursion has taken place.

No refund of the watertaxi reservation fee will be given to those who are not allowed to go down the canyon if they do not comply with the established rules.

Photographs on the routes:

Our company takes eventually photographs in our activities in which our clients appear. Dichas imágenes son de nuestra propiedad y se pueden utilizar como elementos de promoción en distinto medios (póster, folletos, websites, social networks...). Nuestra empresa se reserva el derecho a este uso sin tener que realizar comunicación previa a nuestros clientes._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Si algún cliente no desea aparecer en las fotografías o no quiere que hagamos uso de su image must communicate it before the start of each activity. Un caso especial son las imágenes donde aparecen menores de edad para las que solicitaremos siempre autorización_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_previa before any publication in which the face of a minor appears. In the activities of sea kayaking the special difficulty that characterizes taking pictures at sea means that we cannot always guarantee good quality pictures all participants.



Registration in any of our activities ALWAYS implies knowledge and ACCEPTANCE of the information provided in this section of our website.

Teno Point

Buenavista del Norterth

Tenerife. Canary Islands


Terms and conditions 

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© 2022 Discover Teno

Tourist Intermediary I-0004605.1 

Complaint forms are available at the following address: Calle El Perdón nº 15. Please call +34 922 127 938_cc781905-5cde-bb3b3194 beforehand -136bad5cf58d_for the delivery of the sheets.

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